I am SOOOO wishing it was Spring! The internet is a good way to pretend for a little while, anyway. I searched Google Images for some indoor/outdoor rooms to help me envision the days when I'll be able to sit outside with a glass of wine and a good book (on the Kindle, which needs to be another post!). Enjoy!
Great post! Ugh... I miss Spring. So true- the internet is a great way to be reminded of the warmth!!
If you happen to get a chance, I would also LOVE your support on the ELLE DECOR window I did for the Big Window Challenge this year with Apartment Therapy. Check it out at - http://www.bigwindowchallenge com. As we all know, AT doesn’t make it easy, but you can vote TWICE a day, once online and the other by texting “1” to 89800.
Your support means the world to me!!
Thanks for reading, Eddie! And I did cast my vote for you yesterday - that window is incredible! I am loving pink and orange together. I wish I didn't live in University of Tennessee territory, because using orange here is automatically sports-related. Oh well! I'll vote again today - good luck!
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